1 Bridge Officer in Dress Uniform with Hand Computer
2 Bridge Officer in Duty Dress with Snub Pistol
3 Female Bridge Officer in Duty Dress at Ease
4 Merchant Master with Snub Pistol
5 Chief Engineer in Duty Dress with Hand Computer
6 Engineering Crewman in Duty Dress with Tool Set
7 Engineering Crewman in Duty Dress with Snub Pistol
8 Crewman in Duty Dress with Tool Set
9 Crewman in Duty Dress with Hand Recorder
10 Crewman in Duty Dress with Snub Pistol
11 Crewman in Duty Dress with Cutlass
12 Medic in Duty Dress with Analyser
13 Marine in Battle Dress with Accelerator Rifle
14 Marine in Battle Dress with RAM Grenade Launcher
15 Marine in Battle Dress at Ease
16 Marine in Combat Armour with Snub Pistol
17 Ship's Boat Pilot at Ease
18 Crewman in Vacc Suit with Tool Set
19 Crewwoman in Vacc Suit with Snub Pistol
20 Crewman in Vacc Suit with Snub Pistol